grafted cactus
A curious cactus with a colorful ball-shaped top.
A grafted specimen with a colorful red, orange, pink or yellow top.
Latin name and family
Gymnocalycium mihanovichii | Cactacee
A combination of two cacti that have been grafted together: the top cactus is the colorful Gymnocalycium mihanovichii cactus while the lower part could be any cactus species.
Also called Hibotan cactus, Ruby Ball cactus, Grafted cactus, or Star Flowered cactus, this plant is native to Paraguay and Argentina. The main job of the lower cactus is to display the Gymnocalycium at an advantageous height.

Our Gafted Cacti are monitored and tested for genetic and growth characteristics including colour, size, shape, disease resistance, and shelf life.

Sizes & Pack
4": 15, 18 units/pack
Available in: red, pink, orange, yellow, green.
Various stages are available including plugs, pre-finished, semi-finished, and finished.
Choose from many stylish and retail designer upgrades such as decorative pots, ceramic pots, self-watering pots, seasonal picks.
Our 4" Grafted Cactus is a member of Cactivating, our collection dedicated to exotic and unusual cacti.

Look for a bright area, but not so bright that the color of the top begins to wash out.
Water only when the soil is dry. Watering in the winter months is unnecessary.